March 11, 2020

COVID-19 Club Policy Updates

Dear members, coaches, athletes:

In light of the current risks surrounding COVID-19 and the official World Health Organization (WHO) characterization of COVID-19 as a pandemic, the XC Bragg Creek board of directors met March 10th to discuss a course of action for the club.

For guidance, we have been in contact with various governing bodies, including but not limited to:

  1. Cross Country Alberta
  2. Nordiq Canada
  3. Alberta Bike Association
  4. Alberta Health Services
  5. Biathlon Canada

Our first priority is to safeguard the health and safety of all of our members, coaches and athletes as well as adhere to appropriate health guidelines from the WHO, the Canadian government and Alberta Health Services. We will be meeting formally on a weekly basis to re-evaluate the situation as it evolves.

For the next week, the following special rules will be implemented to meet these health and safety requirements:

  1. All club activities (indoors or outdoors) will require participants to maintain a 2m separation.
  2. No physical contact is allowed during the activities. Examples would be high fives or tagging.
  3. If people have traveled to high-risk countries (as per WHO, AHS, Government of Canada), these people need to self-declare and self-isolate. 
  4. There will be no sharing of snacks, water or other food.
  5. If you have any flu symptoms or are feeling sick, stay home from camps or sessions.
  6. Coaches and leaders will reinforce these protocols before each session and remind everyone not to touch their face, wash their hands and cough and/or sneeze into their elbow.

We are also formulating a modified refund policy for upcoming programs and camps to include items such as not requiring a doctor’s note and receiving a refund after registration deadlines.

Trust that we will continue to evaluate the situation and make safe choices for our members, coaches and athletes.  Please reach out to myself or any member of the executive if you have any questions or concerns.


C. Erik Anderson, P.Eng.

President, XC Bragg Creek Ski and Bike Society