Coach with Us

We are always seeking volunteer mountain bike coaches for our Recreational MTB Program. If you are passionate about mountain biking and have the desire to lead the next generation of mountain bikers on weekly rides or would like to ride along with your child’s group (or another group) as a parent volunteer tail-gunner, we’d love to have you on board.

Benefits of registering as a volunteer coach

  • Your child gets priority registration
  • You may qualify for First Aid or PMBIA training
  • Honorarium for junior coaches

Coaching Duties

Lead Coach

  • Pick weekly riding trail
  • Lead the ride
  • Give lesson (lesson will be provided)
  • Carry first aid kit
  • Mentor a junior coach

Tail Gunner

  • Ride at the back and sweep the group
  • Help with head count
  • Offer words of encouragement

Junior Coaches

  • Offer words of encouragement
  • Assist Lead and Tail Gunner coach
  • Re-enforce lessons or tips taught by Leach Coach

If you are interested in volunteering as a coach for the Spring 2025 season please contact our Program Director for more information at

Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

  1. Assess the Situation: determine the nature of the emergency and what type of response is required (first aid, search for a lost person, etc.).
  2. Develop a Response Plan: based on the nature of the emergency, develop an appropriate response plan (first aid treatment, initiate search, etc.)
  3. Assume leadership of the group and delegate responsibility: group members should assist in patient care if needed, If needed designate one or two adults to go for help.
  4. The group with the victim(s) should:
    • Make the victim(s) as comfortable as possible, maintain his/her body temperature and protect the victim from the elements.
    • A trained first aider should be with the victim at all times.
    • Children should never be left unattended
    • Give the other group members something to do to get their minds off the situation
  5. If Emergency Medical Services is required designate one adult to call 911.
    • Provide the following details to emergency responders:
      • Details of emergency
      • Your location
      • Assistance required
  6. Designate one person to go to trail head to meet EMS.
  7. If necessary use the Emergency Contact List to call the contact person of the injured person.


  • Q: How to register? A: Emails will be sent for registration notifications and registration will be through Team Snap.
  • Q: What is the cancellation policy? A: XC Bragg Creek reserves the right to cancel classes if there are dangerous or extenuating circumstance such as bad weather, strong winds or conditions that may damage the trails system.
  • Q: How and when will I be notified of a cancellation? A: Class cancellations will be made by 4pm the day of the program session. Cancellations will be made via email and website post when possible.

  • Q: What is the refund policy? A:  Changes to the evening in which you are registered can only be done under extenuating circumstances and only prior to the registration deadline if spots are available. 

    • Program cancellations are only accepted prior to the registration close date and are subject to a $25 administration fee per registrant.
    • Program cancellation requests after the registration close date for extenuating circumstances only (a doctors note is required) will be considered and are subject to a $25 administration fee per registrant.  
    • No refunds or credits due to cancellation of program due to inclement weather